Showing posts with label February 8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label February 8. Show all posts

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Born on this day – Lyle Talbot:



February 8, 1902 – March 2, 1996

Born on this day – Ralph Steiner:



February 8, 1899 – July 13, 1986

Look Park (1974); This Is Tomorrow (1943); The City (1939); People of the Cumberland (1937); The River (1938); Pie in the Sky (1935); Cafe Universal (1934); Hands (1934); Panther Woman of the Needle Trades, or the Lovely Life of Little Lisa (1931); Surf and Seaweed (1931); Mechanical Principles (1931); H2O (1929).

Born on this day – Lonnie Johnson:

Blues singer




February 8, 1899 – June 16, 1970

Born on this day – Jules Verne:


February 8, 1828 – March 24, 1905

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1869); A Fantasy of Dr. Ox (1872); A Floating City (1871); Adrift in the Pacific (1888); Among the Cannibals (1867); Around the World in Eighty Days (1873); Beach Books Anthology (2023); Beneath the Waves: Tales from the Deep (2018); Caesar Cascabel (1890); Captain Antifer (1894); Captain Grant's Children (1867); Carpathian Castle (2018); Child of the Cavern (1877); Classic Sea Stories (1996); Claudius Bombarnac (1892); Clovis Dardentor (1896); Dick Sand: A Captain at Fifteen (1878); Doctor Ox And Other Stories (1874); Drama In Livonia (1904); Eight Hundred Leagues On The Amazon (1881); Facing The Flag (1896); Family Without A Name (1889); Five Weeks in a Balloon (1863); Foundling Mick (1893); From the Earth to the Moon (1865); Godfrey Morgan (1882); In Search Of The Castaways (1867); In the Year 2889 (1889); Invasion of the Sea (1905); Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864); Jules Verne Collection, 33 Works (2004); Keraban the Inflexible (1883); Master of the World (1904); Mathias Sandorf (1885); Mistress Branican (1891); Mysterious Document (1867); North Against South (1887); Off On A Comet (1877); On the Track (1867); Paris in the Twentieth Century (1863); Propeller Island (1895); Robur the Conqueror (1886); Round The Moon (1869); Science Fiction Stories (1988); Sea Serpent (1901); Second Year Ashore (1940); Tales of the Restless Sea - Adventure Anthology (2023); The Adventures of Captain Hatteras (1864); The Archipelago On Fire (1884); The Arctic: an anthology of the finest writing on the Arctic and the Antarctic (2007); The Begum's Fortune (1879); The Castaways of the Flag (1900); The Castaways of the Flag (1900); The Castle of the Carpathians (1892); The Chase of the Golden Meteor (1908); The City in the Sahara (1905); The Demon of Cawnpore (2008); The Desert of Ice (1866); The English at the North Pole (1866); The Exploration of the World (1879); The Flight To France (1887); The Fur Country (1873); The Great Sea Adventure (2019); The Green Ray (1882); The Kip Brothers (1902); The Lighthouse at the End of the World (1905); The Lottery Ticket (1885); The Mighty Orinoco (1898); The Mysterious Island (1874); The Mysterious Island (1874); The Purchase of the North Pole: Topsy-Turvy (1889); The Secret of Wilhelm Storitz (1910); The Sphinx of the Ice / An Antarctic Mystery (1897); The Steam House (1880); The Survivors of the Chancellor (1875); The Survivors of the Jonathan (1897); The Tribulations of a Chinaman (1879); The Vanished Diamond: The Star of the South (1884); The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction (2010); Their Island Home (1924); Tigers and Traitors (1976); Travel Scholarships (1903); Two Years' Vacation (1888); Underground City (1877); Village in the Treetops (1901); Will Of An Eccentric (1899); Yesterday And Tomorrow (1910).

Rachel Carson, on writing:

Writing is largely a matter of application and hard work, or writing endlessly until you are satisfied that you have said what you want to say as clearly and simply as possible.

For me, that usually means many, many revisions.

- Rachel Carson.