Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Born on this day – Elisabeth Sanxay Holding:



June 18, 1889 – February 7, 1955



A Dinner Date (1929); A Hesitating Cinderella (1923); A Man Can Take It (1934); All She Could Get (1934); Angelica (1921); Angelica (1921); Another Baby (1941); As Is (1925); As Patrick Henry Said (1925); Bait for a Killer / aka The Blue Envelope (1944 / 1959 / 1960); Be Careful, Mrs. Williams (1947); Benedicta (1923); Blonde on a Boat (1939); Blotted Out (1926); Bonnie Wee Thing (1926); Brides of Crime (1931); Broken Faith (1929 / 1930); By the Light of Day (1927); Can Do! (1936); Carline (1929); Cross Purposes (1936); Dare-Devil (1929); Dark Power (1930); Derelict (1928); Dogs Always Know (1926); Drifting (1937); Echo of a Careless Voice (1938); Farewell to a Corpse (1946); Flow and Ebb (1929); Flowers for Miss Riordan (1925); For Granted (1927); Friday, the Nineteenth (1950); Funny Kind of Love (1945); Game for Four Players (1958); Glitter of Diamonds (1955); Half an Hour Late (1928); Hanging’s Too Good for Him (1922); Hard as Nails (1928); Highfalutin’ (1926); His Own People (1924); His Remarkable Future (1924); Home Fires (1926); Hound’s Bay (1932); Human Nature Unmasked (1926); I Could Brighten Your Life! (1935); If It Hadn’t Been for Laurel (1933); Illusion (1938); Important Things (1928); Inches and Ells (1928); Incompatibility (1927); Invincible Minnie (1920); It Is a Two-Edged Sword (1928); It Seemed Reasonable (1923); It’s All Right for Men (1931); Kill Joy / Murder is a Kill-Joy (1942); Lady Killer (1942); Late Date (1940); Like a Leopard (1922); Little Deeds of Kindness (1929); Lost (1936); Lost Luck (1922); Loved I Not Honor More (1941); Marie’s View of It (1920); Miasma (1929); Miss Cigale (1926); Miss Kelly (1947); Miss What’s-Her-Name (1925); Mollie: The Ideal Nurse (1921); Money Can’t Buy It (1939); Most Audacious Crime (1954); Mr. Martin Swallows the Anchor (1924); Net of Cobwebs (1945); Nickie and Pem (1924); Night Life (1936); Nobody Would Listen (1935); Not Goodbye But Au Revoir (1942); Old Dog Tray (1923); On Yonder Lea (1940); One Misty Night (1928); Open That Door (1939); Out of the Woods (1923); Outside the Door (1928); Patrick on the Mountain (1920); People Do Fall Downstairs (1947 / 1949); Proposal (1940); Rosaleen Among the Artists (1921); Rosalie Gets Out of the Cage (1926); Rose-Leaves (1930); Saving Up (1929); Scandal (1936); Shadow of Wings (1954); So Sort of Proud (1939); Somebody’s Cynthia (1935); Sometimes Things Do Happen (1925); Speak of the Devil (1941); That’s Not Love (1926); The Aforementioned Infant (1923); The Blank Wall (1947); The Blank Wall (1959); The Bride Comes Home (1935); The Chain of Death (1930); The Compromising Letter (1926); The Darling Doctor (1957); The Death Wish (1934 / 1953); The Fearful Night / aka The Obstinate Murderer (1941); The Foreign Woman (1922); The Girl He Picked Up at Coney (1923); The Girl in Armor (1931); The Girl Who Had To Die (1940); The Good Little Pal (1925); The Grateful Lunella (1927); The Green Bathtub (1934); The Innocent Mrs. Duff (1946); The Kiskadee Bird (1944); The Last Night (1934); The Long Night (1925); The Marquis of Carabas (1923); The Married Man (1921); The Matador (1923); The Net of Cobwebs (1945); The Nicest Little Lunch (1937); The Obstinate Murderer / aka No Harm Intended (1938); The Old Battle Ax (1943); The Old Battle-Ax (1943 / 1944); The Old Ways (1927); The Postponed Wedding (1923); The Preposterous Mrs. Manders (1932); The Problem that Perplexed Nicholson (1920); The Root of Evil (1935); The Sin of Angels (1929); The Strange Children (1955); The Strange Crime in Bermuda (1937); The Stranger in the Car (1949); The Thing Beyond Reason (1926); The Unbelievable Baroness (1945); The Unfinished Crime (1935); The Unlit Lamp (1922); The Virgin Huntress (1951); The Wonderful Little Woman (1925); The Worst Joke in the World (1925); They Take It So Lightly! (1938); Third Act (1937); This is Life (1923); This Road Is Closed (1928); Tomorrow’s Not Soon Enough (1941); Too French (1925); Too Late (1928); Too Many Bottles (1951); Tropical Secretary (1941); Two Passes for the Show (1938); Unscathed (1936); Vanity (1926); Vera’s Superior Smile (1929); Very, Very Dark Mink (1956 / 1957); Wedding Day (1937); What It Takes (1941); Who Is This Impossible Person? (1924); Who's Afraid? / Trial By Murder (1940); Widow's Mite (1953); With Unbowed Head (1923); Without Benefit of Police (1929); Ye Gods and Little Fishes (1924); You Never Can Tell (1935 / 1936).

Movies and television:

La candide madame Duff (2000); Lights Out (1951); Seeing Nellie Home (1943); The Bride Comes Home (1935); The Deep End (2001); The Price of Pleasure (1925); The Reckless Moment (1949); Vocalizing (1936).

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