Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Introvert insight:

Don’t underestimate me because I’m quiet.

I know more than I say, think more than I speak and observe more than you know.

– Michaela Chung.

I over-simplify and say I don’t like people,

when what I actually dislike are the surface-level interactions of most social gatherings.

– Rachel Ginder.


I simply don’t shine in company.

Mostly I prefer to retreat with a book.

– Barbara Hambly.


Not all introverts are shy.

You just haven’t seen them with their close friends circle.

- The Minds Journal


Some people tremble at the idea of being alone.

I don’t understand.

I love my solitude.

My energy is never leeched; my feelings are never hurt.

I treat myself well, I entertain myself, but it’s peaceful.

– Sylvester McNutt.


The older I get,

the more I would rather sit alone,

in silence,

than with people who judge the way I live.

– Kristen Butler.

The smarter you get, the less you speak.

You grow to realize not everyone is worth confrontation.

Your time is valuable.

Your energy is priceless.

You won’t waste either on people who don’t deserve them.

- The Minds Journal

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