Saturday, June 8, 2024

Born on this day – John W. Campbell:


June 8, 1910 – July 11, 1971



A New Dawn (2003); Analog (1961); Analog 1 (1963); Analog 6 (1966); Astoundimg Science Fiction Vol. 10 No. 1 (1954); Cloak of Aesir (1952); Cosmic Kill / Beyond the End of Space (2014); From Unknown Worlds (1938); Frozen Hell (2019); Invaders from the Infinite (1961); Islands of Space (1957); Moon is Hell / Green World (2012); The Best of John W Campbell (1973); The Black Star Passes (1953); The Elder Gods (1951); The Essential Surrealism (2002); The Incredible Planet (1949); The John W. Campbell Letters With Isaac Asimov and A.E. Van Vogt (1989); The Mightiest Machine (1935); The Moon Is Hell (1951); The Space Beyond (1976); The Ultimate Weapon (1936); Who Goes There? (1938).

Movies, video and television:

Cineficción Radio (2020); Prophets of Science Fiction (2012); Special Collector's Edition (2012); Tales of Tomorrow (1952); The Thing (1982 / 2002 / 2011); The Thing from Another World (1951).

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