Showing posts with label August Derleth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label August Derleth. Show all posts

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Born on this day – August Derleth:


February 24, 1909 – July 4, 1971

A Collector of Stones (1946); A Corner for Lucia (1953); A Dinner at Imola (1929); A Boy's Way (1947); A Cloak From Messer Lando (1934); A Gentleman from Prague (1944); A Knocking in the Wall (1951); A Little Knowledge (1948); A Matter of Faith (1934); A Matter of Sight (1930); A Praed Street Dossier (1968); A Room in a House (1950); A Thin Gentleman with Gloves (1943); A Traveler in Time (1953); A Wig for Miss DeVore (1943); Across the Hall (1930); After You, Mr. Henderson (1940); Alannah (1945); Altimer's Amulet (1941); An Elegy for Mr. Danielson (1933); An Eye for History (1975); An Occurrence in an Antique Shop (1929); And You, Thoreau! (1944); Any Day Now (1938); Atmosphere of Houses (1939); August Derleth's Eerie Creatures (2009); Balu (1949); Bat's Belfry (1926); Baynter's Imp (1943); Beachheads in Space (1952); Beyond the Threshold (1941); Beyond Time and Space (1950); Birkett's Twelfth Corpse (1933); Bishop's Gambit (1947); Blessed Are the Meek (1948); Bramwell's Guardian (1940); Bright Journey (1940); By Rocket to the Moon (1965); Carousel (1945); Century Jumper (1953); Clark Ashton Smith: Master of Fantasy (1974); Colonel Markesan (1934); Colonel Markesan and Less Pleasant People (1966); Columbus and the New World (1957); Come to Me! (1941); Compliments of Spectro (1941); Concord Rebel: A Life of Henry D. Thoreau (1962); Consider Your Verdict (1937); Country Growth (1940); Country Matters (1996); Country Poems (1956); Countryman's Journal (1963); Dark Mind, Dark Heart (1962); Dark Things (1971); Dead Man's Shoes (1946); Death by Design (1953); Death Holds the Post (1936); Dwellers in Darkness (1976); Emerson, Our Contemporary (1970); Empire of Fur (1953); Evening in Spring (1941); Far Boundaries (1951); Father Marquette and the Great Rivers (1959); Feigman's Beard (1934); Fell Purpose (1953); Ferguson's Capsules (1966); Forest Orphans: Carl Marty and His Animal Friends (1964); From Other Worlds (1964); Gangster Stories (1930); Glory Hand (1937); H.P. Lovecraft And His Work (1963); H.P.L.: A Memoir (1945); Habitant of Dusk (1946); Halloween for Mr. Faulkner (1959); Harrigan's File (1975); Hawk on the Wind (1938); He Shall Come (1929); Headlines for Tod Shayne (1942); Here on a Darkling Plain (1940); Here, Daemos! (1942); In Lovecraft's Shadow (1998); In Re: Sherlock Holmes – The Adventures of Solar Pons (1945); In the Left Wing (1932); Incubus (1934); Innsmouth Clay (1971); Invaders from the Microcosm (1953); Ithaqua (1941); It's a Boy's World (1948); Jacksnipe Over (1971); Journals (Sac Prairie Saga); Just a Song at Twilight (1930); Kingsridge 214 (1949); Lady Macbeth of Pimley Square (1944); Lamplight for the Dark (1941); Land of Gray Gold (1954); Land of Sky Blue Waters (1955); Lansing's Luxury (1942); Laughter in the Night (1932); Lesandro's Familiar (1936); Logoda's Heads (1939); Lonesome Places (1962); Lovecraft and "The Pacer" (1959); Man and the Cosmos (1935); Man Track Here (1939); Mara (1948); Mark VII (1954); McElwin's Glass (1943); McGovern's Obsession (1937); McIlvaine's Star (1952); Melodie in E Minor (1929); Mischief in the Lane (1944); Miss Esperson (1962); Mr. Ames' Devil (1942); Mr. Berbeck Had a Dream (1935); Mr. Fairlie's Final Journey (1968); Mr. George (1947); Mr. George and Other Odd Persons (1963); Mrs. Bentley's Daughter (1930); Mrs. Corter Makes Up Her Mind (1942); Mrs. Elting Does Her Part (1939); Mrs. Lannisfree (1945); Mrs. Manifold (1949); Muggridge's Aunt (1935); Murder Stalks the Wakely Family (1934); Nellie Foster (1933); New Horizons: Yesterday's Portraits of Tomorrow (1998); New Worlds for Old (1963); Night's Yawning Peal: A Ghostly Company (1952); No Future for Luana (1945); No Light for Uncle Henry (1943); Not Long for this World (1948); Old Mark (1929); Oliver, The Wayward Owl (1945); Omega (1934); Only Deserted (1937); Open, Sesame! (1949); Over the Edge (1964); Pacific 421 (1944); Parrington's Pool (1947); Pikeman (1946); Place of Hawks (1935); Poetry Out of Wisconsin (1937); Portals of Tomorrow (1954); Potts' Triumph (1950); Prince Borgia's Mass (1931); Protoplasma (1975); Providence: Two Gentlemen Meet at Midnight (1948); Psyche (1953); Red Hands (1932); Rendezvous in a Landscape (1952); Restless is the River (1939); Return to Sac Prairie (1996); Return to Walden West (1970); Riders in the Sky (1928); Rind of Earth (1942); Sac Prairie People (1948); Saint Ignatius and the Company of Jesus (1956); Saunder's Little Friend (1948); Scarlatti's Bottle (1929); Selected Poems (1944); Sentence Deferred (1939); Sexton, Sexton, in the Wall (1953); Shadow of Night (1943); Shane's Girls (aka Happiness is a Gift) (1948); Sign of Fear (1935); Sleep No More (1944); Some Notes on H. P. Lovecraft (1959); Someone in the Dark (1941); Something from Out There (1951); Something in Wood (1948); Something Left Behind (1971); Something Near (1945); Spawn of the Maelstrom (1939); Still is the Summer Night (1937); Still Small Voice (1940); Strange Ports of Call (1948); Sweet Genevieve (1942); Sweet Land of Michigan (1962); Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos (1969); That Is Not Dead: The Black Magic & Occult Stories by August Derleth (2009); The Adventure of the Ball of Nostradamus (1955); The Adventure of the Black Cardinal (1930); The Adventure of the Intarsia Box (1964); The Adventure of The Orient Express (1964); The Adventure of the Snitch in Time (1953); The Adventure of the Unique Dickensians (1968); The Ancestor (1957); The Beast in Holger's Woods (1968); The Bishop Sees Through (1932); The Black Castle (1927); The Black Island (1952); The Blue Spectacles (1949); The Bridge of Sighs (1931); The Captain Is Afraid (1931); The Captive Island (1952); The Carven Image (1933); The Casebook of Solar Pons (1965); The Chronicles of Solar Pons (1973); The Churchyard Yew (1947); The Closing Door (1950); The Coffin of Lissa (1926); The Conradi Affair (1928); The Country of the Hawk (1952); The Dark Boy (1956); The Dark Brotherhood (1966); The Deserted Garden (1929); The Detective and the Senator (1953); The Devil's Pay (1926); The Disc Recorder (1953); The Drifting Snow (1939); The Dweller in Darkness (1944); The Ebony Stick (1953); The Edge of Night (1945); The Elixir of Life (1926); The Extra Passenger (1947); The Fifth Child (1950); The Figure with the Scythe (1973); The Final Adventures of Solar Pons (1998); The Gable Window (1957); The Ghost of Blackhawk Island (1961); The Ghost Walk (1947); The God-Box (1945); The Hills Stand Watch (1960); The Horror from the Middle Span (1967); The House by the River (1965); The House In the Magnolias (1932); The House in the Oaks (1971); The House in the Valley (1953); The House of Moonlight (1953); The House on the Highway (1929); The House on the Mound (1958); The Inheritors (1929); The Inverness Cape (1945); The Irregulars Strike Again (1964); The Island Out of Space (1950); The Keeper of the Key (1951); The Lair of the Star-Spawn (1932); The Lamp of Alhazred (1957); The Lilac Bush (1930); The Lonesome Place (1948); The Lost Day (1945); The Lost Path (1952); The Lost Sac Prairie Novels (2000); The Lurker at the Threshold (1945); The Man on All Fours (1934); The Man on B-17 (1950); The Man Who Rode the Saucer (1951); The Marmoset (1926); The Martian Artifact (1957); The Mask of Cthulhu (1958); The Maugham Obsession (1953); The Mechanical House (1954); The Memoirs of Solar Pons (1951); The Metronome (1934); The Mill Creek Irregulars (1959); The Milwaukee Road: Its First Hundred Years (1948); The Moon Tenders (1958); The Narracong Riddle (1940); The Night Rider (1927); The Night Road (1952); The Night Side (1947); The Night Side (1947); The Night Train to Lost Valley (1948); The Occupant of the Crypt (1947); The Odyssey of Janna Meade (1949); The Ormolu Clock (1950); The Other Side of the Moon (1949); The Other Side of the Wall (1951); The Outer Reaches (1951); The Owl on the Moor (1928); The Pacer (1930); The Pacer (1930); The Panelled Room (1937); The Peabody Heritage (1957); The Penfield Misadventure (1954); The Philosophers' Stone (1928); The Pinkertons Ride Again (1960); The Place in the Woods (1954); The Place of Desolation (1952); The Portrait (1930); The Prince Goes West (1968); The Remarkable Dingdong (1954); The Reminiscences of Solar Pons (1961); The Return of Andrew Bentley (1933); The Return of Hastur (1939); The Return of Sarah Purcell (1936); The Return of Solar Pons (1958); The River (1927); The Sandwin Compact (1940); The Satin Mask (1936); The Seal of R'lyeh (1957); The Second Print (1939); The Seven Who Waited (1943); The Shadow on the Sky (1932); The Shadow Out of Space (1957); The Sheraton Mirror (1932); The Shield of the Valiant (1945); The Shores of Night (1947); The Shuttered House (1937); The Shuttered Room (1959); The Slayers and the Slain (1949); The Sleepers (1927); The Sleepers and Other Wakeful Things (2009); The Sleeping and the Dead (1947); The Sleeping and the Dead (1963); The Solar Pons Omnibus (1982); The Song of the Pewee (1949); The Statement of Justin Parker (1928); The Survivor (1954); The Survivor and Others (1957); The Telephone in the Library (1936); The Tenant (1928); The Tenant at Number Seven (1928); The Tent Show Summer (1963); The Testament of Claiborne Boyd (aka The Gorge Beyond Salapunco) (1949); The Thing that Walked on the Wind (1933); The Three-Storied House (1928); The Time of Infinity (1963); The Trail of Cthulhu (1962); The Trail of Cthulhu (aka The House on Curwen Street) (1944); The Tsantsa in the Parlor (1948); The Turret Room (1927); The Unquiet Grave (1963); The Vanishing of Simmons (1933); The Vengeance of Ai (1939); The Watcher from the Sky (1945); The Watcher on the Heights (1966); The Watchers Out of Time (1974); The Watchers Out of Time and Others (1974); The Whippoorwills in the Hills (1948); The Whistler (1930); The White Moth (1933); The Wind from the River (1937); The Wind in the Cedars (aka Happiness Shall Not Escape (1946); The Wind in the Lilacs (1948); The Wisconsin: River of a Thousand Isles (1942); The Woman at Loon Point (1936); They Shall Rise (1936); Thinker, Mark VII (1954); This Wound (1962); Those Who Seek (1932); Three Gentlemen in Black (1938); Three Problems for Solar Pons (1952); Three Straw Men (1970); Three Who Died (1935); Time to Come (1954); To a Spaceship (1934); Travellers by Night (1967); Twilight Play (1949); Village Daybook (1947); Village Year: A Sac Prairie Journal (1941); Vincennes: Portal to the West (1968); Walden West (1961); Wentworth's Day (1957); West of Morning (1960); When Evil Wakes (1963); Who Knocks? (1946); Who Shall I Say is Calling & Other Stories (2009); Who Shall I Say is Calling? (1952); Wilbur, The Trusting Whippoorwill (1959); Wild Grapes (1934); Wind in the Elms (1941); Wind Over Wisconsin (1938); Wisconsin Country: A Sac Prairie Journal (1965); Wisconsin Earth: A Sac Prairie Sampler (1948); Wisconsin in Their Bones (1961); Wisconsin Murders (1968); Worlds of Tomorrow (1953).