Showing posts with label Bodhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bodhi. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2023

Global Cat Day - October 16:

Happy Global Cat Day from Bodhi and Pepper, our resident cats:

#GlobalCatDay #CatLove #RagdollCat #TabbyCat 


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Happy International Cat Day - August 8:

Every day is cat day in our home, but today we celebrate International Cat Day.

Bodhi's reaction to it all...

Happy International Cat Day to all from Bodhi and Pepper.

#InternationalCatDay #Cats #August 8

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Cats - Bodhi ready for his nap

This is how we usually see our Ragdoll cat, Bodhi, as he readies himself for yet another one of his many naps.

Bodhi’s superpower is his ability to nap anywhere, anytime, for as long as he wants.

Sweet dreams.

#Ragdoll cat, #Bodhi, #cats, #catnap

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Cats - Bodhi, Mr. Blue Eyes:


Introducing our Ragdoll cat, Bodhi, a.k.a. Mr. Blue Eyes.

Bodhi is a law unto himself, a super sleeper and annoying younger brother to our rescue Tabby, Pepper.

Come back for more Bodhi antics and pics of Bodhi being Bodhi.