Showing posts with label Leonard Rossiter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leonard Rossiter. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

On this day in movie history - 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

2001: A Space Odyssey

directed by Stanley Kubrick,

written by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke,

based on the short story The Sentinel by Arthur C. Clarke,

was released in the United States on April 2, 1968.

Music by Aram Khachaturyan, György Ligeti, Johann Strauss and Richard Strauss.

Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester, Daniel Richter, Leonard Rossiter, Margaret Tyzack, Robert Beatty, Sean Sullivan, Douglas Rain, Frank Miller, Edwina Carroll, Penny Brahms, Heather Downham, Alan Gifford, Ann Gillis, Chela Matthison, Vivian Kubrick, Kenneth Kendall.