Showing posts with label Max Linder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Max Linder. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2024

Born on this day – Max Linder:

Max Linder






December 16, 1883 – November 1, 1925

A Bashful Young Man (1908); A Case of Lumbago (1909); A Conquest (1909); A Country Lad (1908); A Cure for Timidity (1910); A Drama in Seville (1907); A Farm House Romance (1912); A Glorious Start (1907); A Hooligan Idea (1907); A Jockey for Love (1913); A Prince of Worth (1910); A Ringer for Max (1915); A Romantic Girl (1910); A Set of Teeth (1909); A Waterplane Elopement (1912); Ah! Quel malheur d'avoir un gendre (1907); All for a Necklace (1907); Amateur Acrobat (1908); Amoureux de la femme à barbe (1909); Amoureux de la teinturière (1912); An Escape of Gas (1912); Artful Husband (1907); At the Music Hall (1907); Attempted Suicide (1906); Be My Wife (1921); Before and After (1909); Beginning of the Serpentine Dance (1908); Busy Fiance (1908); C'est Papa qui a pris la Purge (1907); Chaussure trop étroite (1907); Chevalier Barkas (1925); Contagious Nervous Twitching (1908); Cuisinier par amour (1914); Dick est un chien savant (1914); Doings of a Maniac (1907); En compagnie de Max Linder (1963); Entente cordiale (1912); First Night Out (1905); For the Children (1916); From Jealousy to Madness (1907); Hairdresser of Love (1915); Harlequin's Story (1907); Help! (1924); His First Cigar (1908); How Max Went Around the World (1910); Hunchback Brings Luck (1908); In a Difficult Position (1908); Je voudrais un enfant (1910); Joined Lips (1907); Julot va dans le monde (1906); King of the Circus (1924); La bonne à tout faire (1911); La maîtresse de piano (1910); La malle au marriage (1912); La médaille de sauvetage (1913); La rivalité de Max (1913); La ruse de Max (1913); La vengeance du domestique (1912); Lady Doctor's Husband (1907); Lady-Killer Foiled (1908); L'amour mouillé (1911); L'âne jaloux (1912); Le baromètre de la fidélité (1915); Le Bridge au plafond (1909); Le cauchemar de Max (1910); Le chapeau-claque (1909); Le chasseur de chez Maxim's (1927); Le duel de Max (1913); Le mal de mer (1912); Le pendu (1914); Le rendez-vous (1913); Le roman de Max (1912); Les contrebandiers (1906); Les débuts d'un yachtman (1913); Les effets des pilules de Max (1910); Les escarpins de Max (1914); Les escarpins de Max (1914); Les exploits du jeune Tartarin (1910); Love and Cheese (1910); Love Unconquerable (1912); Lover's Ill Luck (1907); Love's Surprises (1915); Madame a ses vapeurs (1907); Mariage au puzzle (1910); Mariage force (1914); Max a peur de l'eau (1912); Max and His Dog (1912); Max and His Mother-in-Law (1911); Max and the Lady Doctor (1914); Max and the Purse (1917); Max and the Statue (1912); Max as a Chiropodist (1914); Max asthmatique (1914); Max au couvent (1914); Max bandit par amour (1912); Max célibataire (1912); Max cocher de fiacre (1912); Max collectioneur de chaussures (1914); Max Comes Across (1917); Max Comes Home (1910); Max dans les airs (1916); Max devrait porter des bretelles (1917); Max Embarrassed (1910); Max émule de Tartarin (1912); Max est charitable (1913); Max et Clancy tombent d'accord (1910); Max et la belle négresse (1910); Max et la Main-qui-étreint (1916); Max et le bâton de rouge (1914); Max et le commissaire (1914); Max et le mari jaloux (1912); Max et les crêpes (1913); Max et ses trois mariages (1910); Max Fears the Dogs (1912); Max Fights a Duel (1911); Max Foils the Police (1910); Max Gets the Reward (1912); Max Goes Ski-ing (1910); Max Has the Boxing Fever (1910); Max Has to Change (1910); Max Hits the High Spots (1914); Max hypnotisé (1910); Max illusionniste (1914); Max in a Dilemma (1910); Max in a Taxi (1917); Max in a Wardrobe (1912); Max in the Alps (1910); Max Is Absent Minded (1910); Max Is Convalescent (1911); Max Is Forced to Work (1911); Max Is Stood Up (1910); Max Joins the Giants (1912); Max joue le drame (1914); Max Juggles for Love (1912); Max Leads Them a Novel Chase (1909); Max Learns to Skate (1907); Max Linder Does All the Sports (1913); Max maître d'hôtel (1914); Max Makes a Touch (1910); Max Makes Music (1910); Max médécin malgré lui (1917); Max n'aime pas les chats (1913); Max on the Briny (1915); Max Plays Detective (1916); Max Sets the Fashion (1912); Max Sets the Style (1914); Max Soldat de 2Me Classe (1914); Max Speaks English (1914); Max Takes a Bath (1910); Max Takes a Picture (1913); Max Takes Tonics (1911); Max toréador (1913); Max virtuose (1913); Max Wants a Divorce (1917); Max, professeur de tango (1914); Max, the Heartbreaker (1917); Max, the Lady Killer (1913); Max, the Magician (1912); Max's Divorce Case (1911); Max's Feet Are Pinched (1910); Max's First Job (1910); Max's Hat (1913); Max's Tragedy (1911); Max's Vacation (1914); Miss Moneybags Wishes to Wed (1909); Mon chien rapporte (1910); Music Teacher (1908); My Watch Is Slow (1908); N'embrassez pas votre bonne (1914); Noisy Neighbors (1908); Nourrice par nécessité (1907); Oh! Les femmes (1912); On a Racket (1909); One Can't Believe One's Eyes (1910); One Exciting Night (1912); One on Max (1909); Over the 'Phone (1912); Par habitude (1911); Par habitude (1923); Peintre par amour (1912); Perseverance Rewarded (1910); Phial of Poison (1907); Premier rendez-vous (1910); Private Atkins Minds a Baby (1907); Prospective Heirs (1908); Que peut-il avoir? (1912); Retour inattendu (1908); Romeo Turns Bandit (1909); Sam's Artistic Beard (1909); Sandwich Woman (1908); See the Picture! (1909); Seven Years Bad Luck (1921); Sganarelle (1907); Shame on Max (1910); Soldat par amour (1910); Soldier's Antics (1908); Surprise Package (1908); The Cupboard (1907); The Dog and the Pipe (1908); The Fake Doctor (1908); The Hanging Lamp (1908); The Little Cafe (1919); The Little Vixen (1909); The Love Letter (1913); The Paris Students (1906); The Second of August (1914); The Servant Hypnotist (1907); The Servant's Good Joke (1909); The Surprises of a Flirtation (1909); The Three Must-Get-Theres (1922); The Troublesome Flea (1906); Tormented by His Mother-in-Law (1908); Travels of a Flea (1908); Troubles of a Grass Widower (1908); Troubles of a Grasswidower (1912); Two Great Griefs (1908); Un cross-country original (1910); Un idiot qui se croit Max Linder (1914); Un mari peu vienard (1908); Un mariage imprévu (1913); Un pari original (1912); Une bonne pour monsieur, un domestique pour madame (1910); Une campagne électorale (1909); Une mariée qui se fait attendre (1911); Une poursuite mouvementée (1909); Une représentation au cinéma (1910); Une ruse de Mari (1910); Unforeseen Meeting (1905); Unwilling Chiropodist (1908); Voisin... voisine (1911); Voyage de noces en Espagne (1912); Who Killed Max? (1910); Who Will Win My Heart (1909); Willyboy Gets His (1909).