Showing posts with label Norma Talmadge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Norma Talmadge. Show all posts

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Born on this day – Norma Talmadge:



Producer, May 2, 1894 – December 24, 1957


Haunted Theaters of Hollywood (2016); Anna May Wong, Frosted Yellow Willows: Her Life, Times and Legend (2007); The Woman with the Hungry Eyes (2006); Hollywood and the Stars (1964); Screen Snapshots Series 22, No 10 (1942); Screen Snapshots Series 18, No. 12 (1939); Personality Parade (1938); Screen Snapshots Series 17, No. 1 (1937); Screen Snapshots Series 15, No. 12 (1936); Screen Snapshots Series 15, No. 12 (1936); Broadway Highlights No. 2 (1935); Thrills of Yesterday (1931); Du Barry, Woman of Passion (1930); New York Nights (1929); Show People (1928); The Woman Disputed (1928); The Dove (1927); Camille (1926); Kiki (1926); Graustark (1925); The Lady (1925); The Only Woman (1924); Secrets (1924); Screen Snapshots, Series 5, No. 1 (1924); In Hollywood with Potash and Perlmutter (1924); The Song of Love (1923); Ashes of Vengeance (1923); Within the Law (1923); The Voice from the Minaret (1923); Screen Snapshots, Series 3, No. 23 (1923); The Eternal Flame (1922); Smilin' Through (1922); Seeing Stars (1922); Screen Snapshots, Series 3, No. 15 (1922); Screen Snapshots, Series 3, No. 1 (1922); Love's Redemption (1921); The Wonderful Thing (1921); The Sign on the Door (1921); Passion Flower (1921); Screen Snapshots, Series 2, No. 14-F (1921); Screen Snapshots, Series 2, No. 9-F (1921); The Branded Woman (1920); Yes or No (1920); The Woman Gives (1920); She Loves and Lies (1920); A Daughter of Two Worlds (1920); Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 7 (1920); The Isle of Conquest (1919); The Way of a Woman (1919); The Probation Wife (1919); The New Moon (1919); The Heart of Wetona (1919); United States Fourth Liberty Loan Drive (1918); Liberty Loan Appeal (1918); The Forbidden City (1918); Her Only Way (1918); The Safety Curtain (1918); De Luxe Annie (1918); By Right of Purchase (1918); The Ghosts of Yesterday (1918); The Secret of the Storm Country (1917); The Moth (1917); Poppy (1917); The Law of Compensation (1917); Panthea (1917); Fifty-Fifty (1916); The Social Secretary (1916); The Devil's Needle (1916); Going Straight (1916); The Children in the House (1916); Martha's Vindication (1916); The Missing Links (1916); The Crown Prince's Double (1915); The Battle Cry of Peace (1915); Captivating Mary Carstairs (1915); The Criminal (1915); A Pillar of Flame (1915); Elsa's Brother (1915); Janet of the Chorus (1915); A Daughter's Strange Inheritance (1915); The Barrier of Faith (1915); A Daughter of Israel (1915); A Question of Clothes (1914); Sunshine and Shadows (1914); The Curing of Myra May (1914); Goodbye Summer (1914); The Mill of Life (1914); Under False Colors (1914); The Peacemaker (1914); The Loan Shark King (1914); Politics and the Press (1914); The Hidden Letters (1914); Memories in Men's Souls (1914); An Old Man's Love Story (1914); Fogg's Millions (1914); A Wayward Daughter (1914); The Right of Way (1914); Miser Murray's Wedding Present (1914); Cupid Versus Money (1914); An Old Man's Love Story (1914); Old Reliable (1914); The Sacrifice of Kathleen (1914); The Hero (1914); Iron and Steel (1914); His Little Page (1914); An Old Man's Love Story (1914); The Vavasour Ball (1914); Officer John Donovan (1914); The Honorable Algernon (1913); The Blue Rose (1913); Fanny's Conspiracy (1913); An Elopement at Home (1913); His Silver Bachelorhood (1913); Peggy's Burglar (1913); Father's Hatband (1913); The Doctor's Secret (1913); Under the Daisies; or, As a Tale That Is Told (1913); The Other Woman (1913); Extremities (1913); The Kiss of Retribution (1913); He Fell in Love with His Mother-in-Law (1913); Keeping Husbands Home (1913); The Tables Turned (1913); An Old Man's Love Story (1913); O'Hara as a Guardian Angel (1913); Solitaires (1913); Count Barber (1913); 'Arriet's Baby (1913); The Silver Cigarette Case (1913); The Midget's Revenge (1913); A Lady and Her Maid (1913); Vampire of the Desert (1913); Omens and Oracles (1913); O'Hara and the Youthful Prodigal (1913); Sleuthing (1913); Wanted, a Strong Hand (1913); Let 'Em Quarrel (1913); Getting Up a Practice (1913); Belinda the Slavey; or, Plot and Counterplot (1913); O'Hara's Godchild (1913); Just Show People (1913); Stenographer Troubles (1913); Everybody's Doing It (1913); O'Hara Helps Cupid (1913); Casey at the Bat (1913); O'Hara, Squatter and Philosopher (1912); The Model for St. John (1912); Captain Barnacle, Reformer (1912); An Old Man's Love Story (1912); Faithful Unto Death (1912); Father's Hot Toddy (1912); Bobby's Father (1912); Captain Barnacle's Waif (1912); A Fortune in a Teacup (1912); The Higher Mercy (1912); Mr. Butler Buttles (1912); The Lovesick Maidens of Cuddleton (1912); Wanted... a Grandmother (1912); The Troublesome Step-Daughters (1912); The Extension Table (1912); Fortunes of a Composer (1912); Counsel for the Defense (1912); Mrs. 'Enry 'Awkins (1912); Mrs. Carter's Necklace (1912); The First Violin (1912); Captain Barnacle's Messmates (1912); The Meeting of the Ways (1912); A Romance of Wall Street (1912); The Four Poster Pest (1911); His Last Cent (1911); Her Hero (1911); Forgotten; or, an Answered Prayer (1911); The Child Crusoes (1911); The Thumb Print (1911); The General's Daughter (1911); The Sky Pilot (1911); The Stumbling Block (1911); The Wild Cat Well (1911); A Tale of Two Cities (1911); The Household Pest (1910); In Neighboring Kingdoms (1910); A Dixie Mother (1910); Francesca da Rimini (1910); Uncle Tom's Cabin (1910); Love of Chrysanthemum (1910); A Broken Spell (1910).