Thursday, February 29, 2024

Born on this day – Michèle Morgan:


February 29, 1920 – December 20, 2016

La rivale (1999); Des gens si bien élevés (1997); La veuve de l'architecte (1995); Everybody's Fine (1990); Le tiroir secret (1986); A Man and a Woman: 20 Years Later (1986); La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu (1984); Le tout pour le tout (1981); Robert et Robert (1978); Cat and Mouse (1975); The Diary of an Innocent Boy (1968); La bien-aimée (1967); Lost Command (1966); Dis-moi qui tuer (1965); Les yeux cernés (1964); Les pas perdus (1964); Web of Fear (1964); Méfiez-vous, mesdames! (1963); Il fornaretto di Venezia (1963); Bluebeard (1963); Crime Does Not Pay (1962); Rencontres (1962); The Lions Are Loose (1961); Le puits aux trois vérités (1961); Fortunat (1960); Les scélérats (1960); Grand Hotel (1959); Vacanze d'inverno (1959); Too Late to Love (1959); Love on the Riviera (1958); Maxime (1958); The Mirror Has Two Faces (1958); Retour de manivelle (1957); The Vintage (1957); Shadow of the Guillotine (1956); Si Paris nous était conté (1956); Marguerite de la nuit (1955); The Grand Maneuver (1955); Napoleon (1955); Oasis (1955); Obsession (1954); Daughters of Destiny (1954); Studio One (1953); The Proud and the Beautiful (1953); Jeanne (1952); The Moment of Truth (1952); The Seven Deadly Sins (1952); L'étrange Madame X (1951); The Glass Castle (1950); The Naked Heart (1950); La belle que voilà (1950); Fabiola (1949); Aux yeux du souvenir (1948); The Fallen Idol (1948); The Chase (1946); Pastoral Symphony (1946); Passage to Marseille (1944); Higher and Higher (1943); Two Tickets to London (1943); The Heart of a Nation (1943); Joan of Paris (1942); Remorques (1941); Musicians of Heaven (1940); La loi du nord (1939); L'entraîneuse (1939); Coral Reefs (1939); Port of Shadows (1938); Orage (1938); Heart of Paris (1937); Gigolette (1937); Mes tantes et moi (1937); Forty Little Mothers (1936); Une fille à papa (1936); Meet Miss Mozart (1936); La vie parisienne (1935).

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