Friday, May 24, 2024

Born on this day – Lilli Palmer:



May 24, 1914 – January 27, 1986

The Other Side of the Wind (2018); Peter the Great (1986); The Holcroft Covenant (1985); The Love Boat (1984); Eine etwas sonderbare Dame (1982); Imaginary Friends (1982); Feine Gesellschaft - beschränkte Haftung (1982); Kinder (1981); Elvira's Movie Macabre (1981); Sarah in America (1981); Weekend (1980); Kaninchen im Hut und andere Geschichten mit Martin Held (1980); Eine Frau bleibt eine Frau (1972–1979); The Boys from Brazil (1978); Lotte in Weimar (1975); Derrick (1974); The Zoo Gang (1974); What the Peeper Saw (1972); Der Kommissar (1971); Murders in the Rue Morgue (1971); Hauser's Memory (1970); Only the Cool (1970); The House That Screamed (1969); De Sade (1969); Hard Contract (1969); The High Commissioner (1968); Oedipus the King (1968); Sebastian (1968); The Diary of Anne Frank (1967); Jack of Diamonds (1967); Paarungen (1967); Le voyage du père (1966); Der Kongreß amüsiert sich (1966); An Affair of States (1966); Le tonnerre de Dieu (1965); The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders (1965); Operation Crossbow (1965); Le grain de sable (1964); Das große Liebesspiel (1963); Torpedo Bay (1963); Miracle of the White Stallions (1963); L'amore difficile (1962); Adorable Julia (1962); Le rendez-vous de minuit (1962); The Counterfeit Traitor (1962); Finden sie, daß Constanze sich richtig verhält? (1962); Dark Journey (1961); Frau Cheneys Ende (1961); The Pleasure of His Company (1961); Conspiracy of Hearts (1960); Frau Warrens Gewerbe (1960); But Not for Me (1959); Life as a Couple (1958); Mädchen in Uniform (1958); Montparnasse 19 (1958); Eine Frau, die weiss, was sie will (1958); The Glass Tower (1957); Tempestuous Love (1957); Between Time and Eternity (1956); Anastasia: The Czar's Last Daughter (1956); The Taming of the Shrew (1956); Teufel in Seide (1956); Fireworks (1954); Four Star Playhouse (1954); Kraft Theatre (1953); Main Street to Broadway (1953); Omnibus (1952); Lux Video Theatre (1952); The Four Poster (1952); The Lilli Palmer Show (1951); The Long Dark Hall (1951); Kraft Theatre (1950); The Ford Theatre Hour (1949); Suspense (1949); Wicked City (1949); No Minor Vices (1948); My Girl Tisa (1948); Body and Soul (1947); Cloak and Dagger (1946); Beware of Pity (1946); Notorious Gentleman (1945); Her Man Gilbey (1944); The Gentle Sex (1943); Thunder Rock (1942); Chamber of Horrors (1940); Blind Folly (1939); One Night, One Day... (1939); Take Two Eggs (1939); A Girl Must Live (1939); Little Ladyship (1939); Suicide Legion (1939); The Man with 100 Faces (1938); Bath H. & C. (1938); S-s-s-h! The Wife! (1938); Starlight (1938); Moving Furniture (1938); Round the Film Studios (1937); Command Performance (1937); Silent Barriers (1937); Good Morning, Boys! (1937); Where There's a Will (1936); Secret Agent (1936); The First Offence (1936); Wolf's Clothing (1936); Crime Unlimited (1935); Rivaux de la piste (1933).

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