Showing posts with label Lilli Palmer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lilli Palmer. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2024

Born on this day – Lilli Palmer:



May 24, 1914 – January 27, 1986

The Other Side of the Wind (2018); Peter the Great (1986); The Holcroft Covenant (1985); The Love Boat (1984); Eine etwas sonderbare Dame (1982); Imaginary Friends (1982); Feine Gesellschaft - beschränkte Haftung (1982); Kinder (1981); Elvira's Movie Macabre (1981); Sarah in America (1981); Weekend (1980); Kaninchen im Hut und andere Geschichten mit Martin Held (1980); Eine Frau bleibt eine Frau (1972–1979); The Boys from Brazil (1978); Lotte in Weimar (1975); Derrick (1974); The Zoo Gang (1974); What the Peeper Saw (1972); Der Kommissar (1971); Murders in the Rue Morgue (1971); Hauser's Memory (1970); Only the Cool (1970); The House That Screamed (1969); De Sade (1969); Hard Contract (1969); The High Commissioner (1968); Oedipus the King (1968); Sebastian (1968); The Diary of Anne Frank (1967); Jack of Diamonds (1967); Paarungen (1967); Le voyage du père (1966); Der Kongreß amüsiert sich (1966); An Affair of States (1966); Le tonnerre de Dieu (1965); The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders (1965); Operation Crossbow (1965); Le grain de sable (1964); Das große Liebesspiel (1963); Torpedo Bay (1963); Miracle of the White Stallions (1963); L'amore difficile (1962); Adorable Julia (1962); Le rendez-vous de minuit (1962); The Counterfeit Traitor (1962); Finden sie, daß Constanze sich richtig verhält? (1962); Dark Journey (1961); Frau Cheneys Ende (1961); The Pleasure of His Company (1961); Conspiracy of Hearts (1960); Frau Warrens Gewerbe (1960); But Not for Me (1959); Life as a Couple (1958); Mädchen in Uniform (1958); Montparnasse 19 (1958); Eine Frau, die weiss, was sie will (1958); The Glass Tower (1957); Tempestuous Love (1957); Between Time and Eternity (1956); Anastasia: The Czar's Last Daughter (1956); The Taming of the Shrew (1956); Teufel in Seide (1956); Fireworks (1954); Four Star Playhouse (1954); Kraft Theatre (1953); Main Street to Broadway (1953); Omnibus (1952); Lux Video Theatre (1952); The Four Poster (1952); The Lilli Palmer Show (1951); The Long Dark Hall (1951); Kraft Theatre (1950); The Ford Theatre Hour (1949); Suspense (1949); Wicked City (1949); No Minor Vices (1948); My Girl Tisa (1948); Body and Soul (1947); Cloak and Dagger (1946); Beware of Pity (1946); Notorious Gentleman (1945); Her Man Gilbey (1944); The Gentle Sex (1943); Thunder Rock (1942); Chamber of Horrors (1940); Blind Folly (1939); One Night, One Day... (1939); Take Two Eggs (1939); A Girl Must Live (1939); Little Ladyship (1939); Suicide Legion (1939); The Man with 100 Faces (1938); Bath H. & C. (1938); S-s-s-h! The Wife! (1938); Starlight (1938); Moving Furniture (1938); Round the Film Studios (1937); Command Performance (1937); Silent Barriers (1937); Good Morning, Boys! (1937); Where There's a Will (1936); Secret Agent (1936); The First Offence (1936); Wolf's Clothing (1936); Crime Unlimited (1935); Rivaux de la piste (1933).

Monday, November 6, 2023

On this day in movie history - Body and Soul (1947)

Body and Soul

directed by Robert Rossen,

written by Abraham Polonsky,

was released in the United States on November 6, 1947.

Music by Hugo Friedhofer.

John Garfield, Lilli Palmer, Hazel Brooks, Anne Revere, William Conrad, Joseph Pevney, Lloyd Gough, Canada Lee, Art Smith, Larry Steers.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

On this day in movie history - Crime Unlimited (1935)

Crime Unlimited

directed by Ralph Ince,

written by Brock Williams and Ralph Smart,

based on the novel by David Hume,

was released in the United Kingdom on August 1, 1935.

Esmond Knight, Lilli Palmer, Cecil Parker, George Merritt, Richard Grey, Raymond Lovell, Graham Soutten, Peter Gawthorne, Wyndham Goldie, Jane Millican, Stella Arbenina, Bellenden Clarke, Sara Allgood, Cathleen Cavanagh, Wally Patch.