Showing posts with label July 5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label July 5. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

On this day in movie history - The Hoodlum (1951)

The Hoodlum

directed by Max Nosseck,

written by Sam Neuman and Nat Tanchuck,

was released in the United States on July 5, 1951.

Music by Darrell Calker.

Lawrence Tierney, Allene Roberts, Marjorie Riordan, Lisa Golm, Edward Tierney, Stuart Randall, Angela Stevens, John De Simone, Tom Hubbard, Eddie Foster, O.Z. Whitehead, Richard Barron, Rudy Rama, Raymond Bond, James Conaty, Bill Coontz, Russell Custer, Rudy Germane, William H. O’Brien, Gene Roth.

Born on this day – Shirley Knight:


July 5, 1936 – April 22, 2020

Born on this day – Katherine Helmond:


July 5, 1929 – February 23, 2019

#Soap #EverybodyLovesRaymond #WhosTheBoss

Born on this day – Warren Oates:


July 5, 1928 – April 3, 1982

Born on this day – Diana Lynn:


July 5, 1926 – December 18, 1971

Born on this day – Isa Miranda:



July 5, 1909 – July 8, 1982

Born on this day – Anthony Berkeley Cox:


July 5, 1893 – March 9, 1971