Showing posts with label Lawrence Tierney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lawrence Tierney. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2024

On this day in movie history - Born to Kill (1947)

Born to Kill

a.k.a. Lady of Deceit and Deadlier Than the Male,

directed by Robert Wise,

written by Eve Greene and Richard Macaulay,

based on the novel Deadlier Than the Male by James Gunn,

was released in the United States on May 3, 1947.

Music by Paul Sawtell.

Claire Trevor, Lawrence Tierney, Walter Slezak, Phillip Terry, Audrey Long, Elisha Cook Jr., Isabel Jewell, Esther Howard, Kathryn Card, Tony Barrett, Grandon Rhodes, Demetrius Alexis, Symona Boniface, Ruth Brennan, George Bruggeman, James Carlisle, Ellen Corby, Sayre Dearing, Joe Dixon, Neal Dodd, Jean Fenwick, George Ford, Lee Frederick, Ben Frommer, Harry Harvey, Martha Hyer, Perc Launders, Sam Lufkin, Wilbur Mack, Beatrice Maude, Russell Meeker, Al Murphy, Tommy Noonan, Netta Packer, Jason Robards Sr., Romeo (the dog), Paul Russell, Scott Seaton, Sammy Shack, Stanley Stone, Phil Warren, Napoleon Whiting.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

On this day in movie history - The Hoodlum (1951)

The Hoodlum

directed by Max Nosseck,

written by Sam Neuman and Nat Tanchuck,

was released in the United States on July 5, 1951.

Music by Darrell Calker.

Lawrence Tierney, Allene Roberts, Marjorie Riordan, Lisa Golm, Edward Tierney, Stuart Randall, Angela Stevens, John De Simone, Tom Hubbard, Eddie Foster, O.Z. Whitehead, Richard Barron, Rudy Rama, Raymond Bond, James Conaty, Bill Coontz, Russell Custer, Rudy Germane, William H. O’Brien, Gene Roth.